Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I knew it was going to happen...after reading The Hole in our Gospel, I knew God was doing something.

I got an email before Christmas asking for help providing meals for the upcoming holidays at the local women's shelter. I thought about it. Then I quit thinking about it. But God is patient, loving and always pursuing. I got back from Christmas and couldn't stop thinking about that email. Then I started reviewing scripture memory verses. The word 'zealous' kept coming up. Ok, God. I said I would, so here goes..."Jim.....can I ask you what you think about something?"

Bless my wonderful husband. He jumped right in. He wanted to make chicken and noodles, an Indiana comfort food our kids love. "For 50 people?!" I said. "Sure, why not," he said. Eight chickens and 14 bags of noodles later, we had chicken and noodles for 50 people.

What a way to spend the first day of the New Year! Our family and a family friend, Miriam, got to serve these wonderful women their first lunch of the New Year! The thing was, of the 51 residents registered, only around 25 people (about 1/2 small children with small stomachs) were there for lunch. What to do with all this food?! God always has a plan....

We tried the local night answer. Then Miriam remembered this is our church's night to serve there. She called the man coordinating it to see if he might need some extra food. Turns out, the restaurant that normally provides the food had just called him. They would be unable to provide food because they had not received their deliveries. When he saw how much we had left, he said that would be all they would need to feed all the residents tonight. Isn't God good? :-)

The thing I learned is that we really can change the world. Not us exactly, but God through us. We did not set out to feed two shelters of people today. But God did. It's the little obediences, one by one that He uses. And sometimes, like today, He allows us a glimpse into His work. That is His grace.

Now the challenge is to press forward in obedience, even when we don't get to see the results.

I'm so thankful that I didn't delete that email, that Jim said "I can...", and that Miriam hit the reply button.